Tuesday 27 August 2013

Love letters from God

Day 1Genesis

Then Joseph said 2 his brothers "God will surely come 2 your aid and take u up out of this land to the land He promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob...God will surely come 2 ur aid. Genesis 50;24-25
God says: I want u to realize that I never underestimated how thoroughly you’d mess up your life or how painfully you would struggle and suffer, and I don’t want you to underestimate your failures or struggles either. They’re all part of the story I’m telling.

But neither have I underestimated my determination or ability to enter the mess you’ve made and the pain you feel and turn everything around. I can, and I will, make everything good again. Never ever underestimate Me. I have a plan, a very good one, and it will move ahead to completion. Trust Me. Why? Because I love you - even when you’re messing up badly. I love you in the middle of your pain even though I don’t relieve it as quickly as you wish. I have a good plan and nothing will stop Me from carrying it to completion. You must live now in the tension between anguish and hope.
Day 2 – Exodus

Let them make me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them. Exodus 25:8

Consider the lenghts I go 2, just b with u - as u see My willingness 2 go camping 2 be with My people, know this: I will do whatever it takes 2 fully restore My family and 2 b with them 4ever.

 Dag3 – Leviticus

Both the one who makes men holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. Hebr 2:11

You want Me to solve your problems but you don't know what your worst problem is; don't u realise that distance from ME is your most lethal problem. When u read Leviticus note that I never just solve anyone's secondary problems. The issue was worship and intimacy with Me, not health, wealth or personal comfort. So many of My children miss that. They identify their needs and then view me as a God who wants them satisfied and happy before I deal with their un-holiness. But because I love them I've made a way 4 u 2 revolve your life around Me as your 1st thing. Everything else- your marriage, your check book, your job, your cancer is a secondary thing. When the 1st thing, namely Me is in 1st place in your life every secondary thing will be taken care of.


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